Low price rentals on Doorway Dolly in CT at BarnDoor Lighting.
Doorway Dolly platform dolly with quick change pneumatic wheels.
The Doorway Dolly will move through a full range of travel with either the Push Bar or Pull Bar. Load it with gear to get to the location with ease! The platform can be flipped over for even lower camera positioning. Ground clearance is 9" or 3" when inverted. The removable side boards add an extra 10" per side for increased platform width.
The wheelbase is 28-1/4" wide and the platform length is 51".
Track wheels can be easily installed to accommodate standard 24.5" width track.
Weight Capacity 800 Lbs. (363kg)
Dolly Weight: 117 lbs
Doorway Dolly
(2) Side Boards
(1) Steer Bar
(1) Pull Bar
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